Campus Departments, Offices & Resources

Academic Affairs
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3096
FAX: 253-7768

Admissions Office (Undergraduate)
PHONE: 401-254-3500

Admissions Office (Graduate)
FAX: 401-254-3557

Advising & Peer Mentor Office
PHONE: (401) 254-3456

Alumni Relations
Phone: (401) 254-3005

Annual Giving
PHONE: (401) 254-3071

Architecture (School of)
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3605
FAX: 254-3565

Architecture Computer Room
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3466

Architecture Darkroom
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3609

Architecture Design Studio-North
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3478

Architecture Design Studio-South
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3680

Architecture Library
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3679

Architecture Photography Room
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3609

Architecture Student AIAS
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3612

Art Screen printing Studio
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3044

Art Sculpture Studio
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3002

Athletics Department
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3050
FAX: 254-3535

PHONE: (401) 254 - 3036

Bookstore - Law School
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4592

Bursar Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3520
FAX: 254-3674

Center for Career & Professional Development
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3224
FAX: (401) 254 - 3497

PHONE: (401) 254 - 3829

College of Arts & Sciences
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3644/3660
FAX: 254-3286

Community Engagement
PHONE: (401) 254-3787

Community Partnerships Center
PHONE: (401) 254-3307

Campus Recreation Center, Room 215A
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3067
FAX: 254 - 3377  

Continuing Education
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4800

Cooperative Education
Center for Career & Professional Development
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3224
FAX: 254-3497

Counseling Services
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3124

Dance Studio (Lower Level Hallway)
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3622

Dean of Student's Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3042
FAX: 254-5347

Dining Services Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3874
FAX: 254-3553

Emergency (On Campus)
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3611

Engineering (School of)
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3314
FAX: 254-3562

Environmental Health & Safety
PHONE: (401-254-3494)

Facilities Management Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3136
FAX: 254-3440

Feinstein Center for Engaged Learning
PHONE (401) 254-3787

Finance Office
FAX: 254-3807

Financial Aid Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3100
FAX: 254-3356

Gabelli School of Business 
PHONE: 401-254-3401
FAX: 254-3732

General Counsel
PHONE: (401) 254-5379
FAX: (401) 254-5758

Health Services
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3156
FAX: 254-3305

Historic Preservation (Center for)
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3061
FAX: 254-3501

Human Resources Office
North Campus
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3028
FAX: 254-3370

Information Technology (Including MediaTech Helpdesk)
PHONE:  401-254-6363
FAX:  401-254-3443  

Institutional Research
Administration Building-First Floor
PHONE: (401) 254-3275
FAX: 253-7768

Instructional Design
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3187

Intercultural Center
Maple Hall (North End)
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3121
FAX: (401) 254 - 3688

International Student Affairs
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3121
FAX: 254-3688

Law Admissions
PHONE: (401) 254-4555 
FAX: 254-4516

Law Advancement
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4658

Law Bookstore
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4592

Law Career Services
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4650/4651

Law Copy Center
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4590

Law Faculty Secretary
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4625/4626

Law Kitchen
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4591

Law Library Circulation desk
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4546

Law Library Fax
FAX: 254-4543

Law Library Reference Desk
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4547

Law Mail Room
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4589

Law Media Services
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4676

Law S.B.A. Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4525/4526

Law Security Direct Line
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3611

Law Security Emergency
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3611

Law Student Services
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4657

Law Clinic Metro Center - 113
PHONE: (401) 276-4880
FAX: 276-4899

Law School Dean
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4502
FAX: 254-3525

Mail Room
PHONE: (401) 254-3147

Main Campus
PHONE: (401) 253-1040

Main Library Circulation Desk (Main)
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3084
FAX: 254-0818

Main Library Reference Desk (Mail)
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3375

Marketing & Communications
FAX: 254-3185

Modern Language, Classics and Philosophy Department    
PHONE: (401) 254-3723

Payroll Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3753
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3242
FAX: 254-3370

Peggy and Marc Spiegel Center for
Global and International Programs
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3899

Performing Arts Center
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3620
FAX: 254-3634

Politics and International Relations
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3254
FAX: 254-3286

President's Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3201
FAX: 254-3158

Psychology Department
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3254
FAX: 254-3286

Public Affairs
PHONE: (401) 254-3332

Public Policy Institute
PHONE: (401) 276-4844
FAX: 401-276-3834

Public Safety
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3611
FAX: 254-3397

Purchasing Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3220
FAX: 254-3468

Recreation Center
PHONE: (401) 254 - 5222

Reference Desk
PHONE: (401) 254 - 4547

Registrar's Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3510
FAX: 254-3363

Residence Life and Housing 
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3161
FAX: 254-3451

School of Education
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3309

Security and Safety Office
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3611
FAX: 254-3397

Snack House
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3271

Special Events
PHONE: (401) 254-3166

Spiritual Life Program
Intercultural Center (Maple Hall, North end)
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3433

Student Programs and Leadership
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3088/3284
FAX: 254-3355

Theatre Box Office
PHONE: (401) 254-3666

Theatre Costume Shop
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3616

Theatre Scene Shop
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3621

Theatre Stage Company
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3615

Ticket Hotline
(401) 254-3210
Recreation Center

Tutorial Support Services
PHONE: (401) 254 - 3219

Extension School
PHONE: (401) 254-3530
FAX: 254-3560

Extension School Admissions
PHONE: 401-254-3838

Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition Department
PHONE: (401) 254-3723